ADAMS - Advanced Drivetrain Modeling with Adams Gear AT (Free Trial)
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Version - 2017.2

This course will give you the foundation of skills you'll need to use Adams' plugin Gear AT. This base course explains the theory behind the plugin, advantages, difference and consistency to classical approaches. Also, you are guided through the first steps of practical usage of Gear AT. Therefore, the course includes: 

- Short summary of available approaches to simulate/calculate gears 
- Description of the technology/workflow to simulate gears in Gear AT 
- Step-by-step tutorial how to create correct gear shapes 
- Step-by-step tutorial how to create Gear AT gears for Adams 
- Step-by-step tutorial how to set up gear meshing behavior 
- Description of the available methods to apply topology modifications and manufacturing errors 
- Step-by-step tutorial how to define and apply shape modifications 
- Introduction, how to evaluate gear specific results 

for participation, it is mandatory to have basic Adams skills. Gear specific knowledge is not needed, as this course doesn't discuss optimal gear layouts. This course is meant to provide you the capability to use a strong, supporting tool for your design task.

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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