ADAMS - Fundamentals of Multibody Dynamics Analysis with Adams (Free Trial)
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Version - 2016

This course is intended for users who need a basic understanding of Adams/Solver and Adams/View. This course is a pre-requisite for Adams/Car and/or Adams/Chassis training classes. Presented in the class are all of the basics of building models in Adams/View (PARTs, JOINTs, MOTIONs, forces, function expressions, simulation types), running simulations with Adams/Solver and simple plotting with Adams/PostProcessor. Users who intend to do moderate model creation/optimization in either Adams/View or Adams/Car Template Builder are strongly encouraged to take the 5-day ADM701 Complete Multibody Dynamics Analysis with Adams class instead of this one. 

- Building models without a pre-processor 
- Adams dataset structure (.adm) 
- Statements 
- Functions 
- Connecting parts with: 
     - Ideal constraints (hinges, sliders, etc.) 
     - Flexible connectors (springs, dampers, etc.) 
- Complex forces based on system states or test data 
- Contacts using IMPACT function 
- Actuating a system with: 
     - Motions 
     - Applied forces 
     - Gravity 
     - Measuring quantities of interest 
     - Displacements 
     - Velocities 
     - Accelerations 
     - Forces 
- Simulating models in Adams/Solver 
- Adams command files (.acf) 
- Compare/contrast simulation types 
- Dynamic 
- Kinematic 
- Quasi-static 
- Static 
- Reviewing results using the Adams/PostProcessor 
- Plotting/Animating(.msg) 
- Message Files (.msg) 
- Analysis Files (.gra, .res, .req, .out)

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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