ADAMS - Vehicle Modeling and Simulation using Adams/Car (Free Trial)
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Version - 2017.2

Adams/Car is the industry-standard simulation tool in the automotive industry for kinematic (suspension) and dynamic (ride/handling, durability, NVH, etc) simulation. This class is a comprehensive overview of Adams/Car that ranges from the basics of subsystem adjustment through to progressively more advanced topics such as event creation, template creation, tire selection, control system integration, flexible body swapping and much more. 

- Description about user modes and data hierarchy 
- Overview of database hierarchy 
- Learning the concept of subsystems and assemblies 
- Create new suspension and full vehicle models 
- Create user specific events with the Driving Machine 
- Setup suspension and full vehicle simulations 
- How to use handling and durability tire 
- Perform suspension and full vehicle simulations 
- Create plot configuration files 
- Good practice in creating a fully parametric vehicle model 
- Create and modify templates 
- Create and modify different type of parts 
- Learn how to use communicators 
- Learn how to create new requests within the same subsystem as well as between different subsystems 
- Create and modify different property files 
- Create and modify automotive elements such as spring, dampers, bushings, bumpstop, etc. 
- Overview on how to implement flexible bodies

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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