MARC & MENTAT - Advanced Nonlinear Analysis using Marc and Patran (Free Trial)
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The purpose of this course is to enhance the current Marc user's understanding of modeling nonlinear problems. Lectures are supported by hands-on modeling of nonlinear problems. 

Pre-requisites: MAR120 - Basic Nonlinear Analysis using Marc and Patran 

- Expand knowledge from MAR120 (Basic Nonlinear Analysis using Marc and Patran) course 
- Advanced subjects including: 
- Practical aspects of rubber simulation 
- Creep 
- Superplastic forming 
- Composite failure techniques 
- Advanced contact techniques 
- Adaptive meshing 
- User subroutines 
- Global/Local modeling 
- Heat transfer and thermal stress 
- Coupled Thermal/Structural analysis 
- Restarts 
- Performance 
- Workshop Problems 
- Experimental Curve Fitting Using Physical Test Data 
- Creep of Tube 
- Superplastic Forming of a Metal Container 
- Composite Progressive Failure Analysis using VCCT 
- Elastomeric Cylinder (Segment to Segment Contact) 
- Ship Bumper Contact Analysis 
- Global Remeshing 
- Local Adaptive Remeshing 
- Creep of a Tube (User Subroutine) 
- Heat Transfer (Conduction and Convection) 
- Coupled Analysis (Thermal / Structural) 
- Global 
- Local (Structural Zooming) 
- Restarts 

 *Course does not contain audio/video interactions

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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