MSC NASTRAN - Advanced Contact Analysis using Contact Pairs in MSC Nastran and Patran (Free Trial)
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Version - 2013.1

In this class, you will be exposed to different ways of using contact in MSC Nastran and Patran. This includes setting up contact bodies, both touching and glued contact, and interpretation of results. 

Pre-requisites : None 

- Contact Analysis 
- Defining and Creating Contact Bodies 
- Job Setup 
- Discussion of Contact Detection 
- Describing the Importance of Various Contact Search Options and Strategies 
- Defining Touching and Glued Contact 
- Discussion of Glued Contact Status 
- Identifying Glued Contact Grounding and Modeling Issues 
- Specifying Contact Separation Control

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


0 minutes

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