MSC NASTRAN - Advanced Substructure Analysis using MSC Nastran - Secondary Superelements (Free Trial)
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Version - 2018.2

This class deals primarily with secondary superelements. At the end of the class, you will be able to: 
- Create external superelements 
- Assemble external superelements and analyze the combined structure along with selective data recovery. 
- Run Static, Dynamic, and Temperature loading on External superelements 
- Use External Component in Optimization Solution Sequence 
- Create and Use Image and Mirror Superelements 

NAS101A (Linear Static and Normal Modes Analysis using MSC Nastran), NAS120 (Linear Static Analysis Using MSC Nastran and Patran), or equivalent; NAS106A (Basic Substructure Analysis using MSC Nastran - Primary Superelements).

- External Superelement 
- Additional Topics and Special Cases for External Superelements 
- Image Superelements

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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