MSC NASTRAN - Basic Substructure Analysis using MSC Nastran - Primary Superelements (Free Trial)
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Version - 2018

In this class, you will learn how to define superelements, analyze superelements in static and dynamic analyses (including component modes), and set up both single and multi-level superelement analysis. You will learn how to perform restarts using superelements and incorporate superelements with nonlinear analysis. 

NAS101A (Linear Static and Normal Modes Analysis using MSC Nastran), NAS120 (Linear Static Analysis using MSC Nastran and Patran), or equivalent. 

- Defining Superelements and Terminology 
- Loads, Constraints, Parameters, and Case Control 
- Multilevel Superelement Analysis 
- Component Modes, Reduction, and Assembly 
- Model Checkout Tools 
- Database and Restarts 
- Dynamic Analysis with Superelements 
- Nonlinear Analysis

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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