MSC NASTRAN - Composite Material Analysis with MSC Nastran (Free Trial)
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Version - 2013.1

MSC Nastran can be efficiently and effectively used to model laminated composites. MSC Nastran allows the user to specify the material properties, orientation, and thickness for each lamina in the composite layup. The program then calculates the properties of the equivalent plate. This automatic representation of laminated composites is available in all MSC Nastran solution sequences; however stresses, strains, and failure indices can be recovered at the lamina level for only statics, normal modes, and nonlinear statics. In addition, MSC Nastran can be used for multi-disciplinary structural optimization of laminated composite materials. This seminar describes how to use MSC Nastran for practical analysis and design optimization of composite materials. Examples are provided that illustrate typical uses for all major topics. The Patran composite pre- and post-processing is also shown. 

NAS101A (Linear Static and Normal Modes Analysis using MSC Nastran) or equivalent experience. 

- Introduction to composites in MSC Nastran 
- Composite bulk data entries 
- Overview of classical lamination theory 
- Industry definitions 
- Application to MSC Nastran 
- Composite postprocessing 
- Lamina stresses and strains 
- Interlaminar shear stresses and strains 
- Ply failure theories 
- Hill, Hoffman, Tsai-Wu, and maximum strain 
- Interlaminar shear 
- Modal analysis with composites 
- Nonlinear composite analysis 
- Optimization of composites 
- Composite use in other solution sequences 
- Laminate Modeler

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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