MSC NASTRAN - Explicit Nonlinear Analysis (SOL700) using MSC Nastran and Patran (Free Trial)
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Version - 2017.1

NAS126 is an introductory course in dynamics simulation using Explicit nonlinear analysis. Students will prepare short duration structural dynamic analyses using MSC Nastran finite element models. Students will learn how to create and/or modify material properties, loads, and boundary and initial conditions for dynamic simulation models. They will also learn how to set up the jobs for running the models and review the results for these models. 

NAS120 (Linear Static Analysis Using MSC Nastran and Patran), or PAT301 (Introduction to Patran), NAS101A (Linear Static and Normal Modes Analysis using MSC Nastran), and NAS101B (Advanced Linear Analysis using MSC Nastran), or equivalent. 

- Explicit Transient Dynamic Analysis 
- Input file format 
- Patran Graphical User Interface 
- Running MSC Nastran SOL700 
- Lagrange Basics 
- Element Library 
- Material Models 
- Lagrangian Loading Conditions 
- Lagrangian Boundary Conditions 
- Contact Definition and Analysis

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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