SIMMANAGER - SimManager Basic Configuration (Free Trial)
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Version - 2018

By the end of this course, you will be able to use the web user interface of SimManager to perform the following administration and configuration tasks: 
- Create and administer SimManager Projects to organize data and manage access 
- Utilize Roles to define privileges for Users and Profiles 
- Create and manage Users in SimManager 
- Define groups of users with common privileges using Profiles 
- Publish and maintain Procedures using the web UI 
- Monitor user activity in SimManager 
- Perform configuration tasks 
- Manage Object types, enumerations, Variant naming, and queues. 
- Publish configuration updates 
- Integrate external applications 
- Create and manage Work Request Templates 

 SMM101 (Introduction to SimManager) 

- Project administration 
- User, Profile, and Role administration 
- Monitors 
- Procedure & Resource Management 
- Configuration tasks 
- Application Integration 
- Work Request Templates 

*Course does not contain audio/video interactions

Course Type:

This course has 15 days of access from the date of enrollment.


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