Installation and Licensing
Installing Q-DAS software and licensing Q-DAS products are two separate activities. When running the Q-DAS setup, all required programme files and data for all Q-DAS products are provided. Which product can be used depends on the registered licence. This means there is no need to run Q-DAS Setup again to add or change products. Only if new versions of the application files are required, a new installation must be performed. This is done by running an upgrade or update setup. Q-DAS products and options require registration before they can be used. Registration is therefore a form of permission to use the products.
The first image shows a Q-DAS installation with a registered licence for qs-STAT.
The second image shows a modified product registration. In addition to qs-STAT, a licence for procella is registered.
Product Registration
Product registration is carried out using the "Q-DAS License" tool. During the installation it is possible to specify whether or not the "Q-DAS License" tool should be started automatically after the installation. For a manual start, the tool can be found in the “Q-DAS Tools Launcher" after the installation. Link to: Q-DAS Tools Launcher
The licence file (*.LIC) supplied with the purchase is required for registration. It is important that the licence file and the "Q-DAS License" tool version match. Before registering, make sure that the correct major version of the "Q-DAS Lizensing" tool is being used.
Example for major version "14":
Example for major version "2024":
If licences are already registered the tool shows the customer number in the title. It matches the prefix of the purchased licences file.
New licence file (*.LIC) will be send when purchasing new products or renewing subscription licences. The new licence is indicated by the time stamp in the suffix.
When launched, the "Q-DAS License" tool displays the products and the number of licences purchased (MAX), the number of licences already registered (USED) and the number of licences available (ONLINE). If the registered licence is time-limited, the remaining time is also displayed (DAYS). “NEW” shows the current selection for the upcoming registration. Unless the selection is changed, "NEW" displays the "USED" content of the last completed registration. From version, all standard languages are available without additional licences. Language registration is only required for older versions.
When is it necessary to use the "Q-DAS License" tool?
- When running setup with the automatic licensing option disabled. Link to: Subsequent Registration - after running Setup
- When renewing time-limited licences (subscription). Link to: Renew Subscription Licence
- When information changes, such as the customer number or address. Link to: Change Customer Information
- When purchasing additional Q-DAS products. Link to: Subsequent Registration - Add Products
- When a licence is to transfer to another device/database. Or when to avoid using an outdated major release.
Link to: Subsequent Registration - Release Products / Licences - When sharing one licence file for multiple licence databases (PCs/plants). Link to: Licensing single/multiple databases
- When migrating servers. Link to: Move Licence - Server Migration
- When changing databases or database types. Link to: Move Licence - Changes to the Licence Database
- When the PC with the Q-DAS programme files and data cannot connect to the registration server (Q-DAS Licensing System). Link to: Offline Registration