© 2025 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries
Services to support your manufacturing capacity, capability, and needs with computer-aided manufacturing and procurement.
Full-time, dedicated application engineers make sure you keep running at top efficiency. Our specialists go beyond the software, to understand and support your manufacturing processes, workflow, and machine tools.
Getting expert assistance when you need it is vital for maintaining manufacturing productivity. When you purchase a new machine that is not supported directly in our CAM software, our team can work with you to integrate this into the software and develop the post-processing necessary to allow you to drive the machine. If you need to manufacture a new part and don’t have the capacity to program the machine yourself, or it is a completely new and complex design, our engineers are there to generate the program.
Industrial Computed Tomography
With four in-house computer tomographs and a team of experts, we digitize components and assemblies at the highest level. We can analyze a wide range of materials.
Additive Manufacturing
Highest precision, smooth surfaces as well as very good thermal and mechanical properties characterize the 3D-printed components from Hachtel. The processing of high-performance photopolymers in the "Hot Lithography" process make it possible.
Expanding your manufacturing capability and ensuring quality output is necessary for any organization producing a new product or entering a new sector. Our services team has decades of experience in manufacturing and can define the primary manufacturing processes, decisions, and impacts of production. They will carry out a comprehensive evaluation of a customer’s existing capability to deliver such a product with their existing manufacturing and supply chain, and determine the actions required. This can include the upskilling of you or your suppliers, or the identification of new partners who could better meet the requirements.
Requirements specification
Supplier onboarding
Manufacturing & supplier upskilling
In the process of developing a new product, one of the largest challenges is going from digital designs to a physically manufactured part. Hexagon’s services team and our supplier partners can work with you to source prototypes and support the manufacturing and assembly processes, to ensure designs meet functional requirements. Our manufacturing experts can determine the necessary documentation and inspection requirements for suppliers and can manage the quality assurance processes throughout the delivery of the prototype.
Electronic systems
System integration