CALIPRI C14 offers fast and accurate evaluation of gap, flush, and radius for automotive quality demands.


Highly accurate gap measurement

The handy CALIPRI C14 measuring system can inspect even highly complex profile shapes in a matter of seconds with its characteristic swivel movement. Numerous inspection methods allow individual evaluation of gaps, folded edges and design lines.


Highest reliability

Capture any gap contour (small, large, hidden, concealed, seal, 0-gap) with the highest repeatability.


360° feedback

Audio, haptic and visual feedback allows easy operator use. Capture progress is displayed on the device screen.


Immediate results

After the measurement, results are shown as measured values on the sensor and as a profile curve on the connected tablet (PC). Any deviations from the target values are highlighted in colour.


Tamper-proof data transmission

The results can be documented by printing PDF measurement protocols or by exporting them into your database.

CALIPRI C14 Specifications

Measurement capability​

Flush & gap - Manual measurement, off-line measurement 


Non-contact laser light section with patented CALIPRI principle​

Laser class​


Protection class​

IP 54​


Portable, wireless, battery powered​

Gap size range​

50 x 50 mm​

Accuracy & repeatability​

Accuracy < +/- 30μm, ​

Repeatability < +/-15µm​

Data export​

csv, xml, pdf, customer specific​

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