Inspect is a standalone application that helps production-level CMM operators execute PC-DMIS measurement routines.
© 2025 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries
Simple UX ensures Inspect is tailored for lower-skilled operators.
Productivity tools let you automate the selection and running of one or more parts.
Inspect offers support for EYE-D and Swift-Check hardware options.
In the latest release (5.0), Inspect accepts barcodes from any Windows barcode or QR code scanner to help streamline workflow.
Unifying the operator experience across different metrology client software, Inspect’s simple interface provides everything you’ll need to run programs and view reports.
All Inspect features are designed to make your life easier, through simplification and automation of common CMM measuring activities.
Features of Inspect include:
Maintain a history of reports from parts measured, which can be searched and filtered by name and/or date.
Quickly and easily select programs, extract trace information from the code, and inject it into the report.
Configure a pallet to measure batches of parts without operator intervention and show summary statistics of how many parts failed.
Check out our online documentation centre for product information and guidance